Movie Suggestion i) "EXAM"

Found this weird psychological movie, it's really nice I think u guys gotta check it out... It appears to be kinda violent (but not really) and its so complicated and totally mind fuckin' :D

EIGHT candidates appears for an employment exam in a room for 80 minutes and they're given 1 paper each with the name CANDIDATE and their assigned number... THE INVIGILATOR explains that the exam takes 80 minutes and consists of one question only, and that there are three rules: do not talk to the Invigilator or the armed guard at the door, do not spoil the paper, and do not leave the room. Not obeying the rules will result in disqualification.
The papers that they're given are blank and one Chinese candidate make an attempt writing on her paper to say she believes she deserves the job and she's disqualified for spoiling her paper, when only 7 remains, The candidates starts talking to each other realizing it's allowed and they starts working together motivated by an arrogant person who is gives himself the name WHITE and he assigns names to others in the room according to their physical appearances, naming BLACK, BROWN, DARK, BLONDE and BRUNETTE, the last candidate is given the name DEAF since he doesn't interact with the rest. They try various methods to reveal the QUESTION but they're unable, later WHITE disqualifies BRUNETTE and DEAF, and turns against the GROUP.
He claims to know the answer, but doesn't tell the others. It is later revealed that the company in question is responsible for a miracle drug which a large part of the population are dependent upon after a viral pandemic.
Black subdues White, ties him to a chair, and calls him a distraction to the group. White says he is infected with the virus and needs his medication, but the others do not believe him. Brown suggests Dark is actually a plant from the company, while demonstrating much knowledge about the internal workings of the company. This leads Brown to torturing her into revealing that she works for the company but is still applying for the job like everyone else. Just then, White goes into convulsions, which proves he has the disease. Dark asks the unseen Invigilator for help and is disqualified.
Brown throws away the medication White needs and then Blonde saves it and given it to White, After White is untied he tells that he thinks the only method to get the job is by being the last candidate left alone in the room, he starts being violent in order to chase the others out of the room. He chases BROWN and BLOND out of the room at gunpoint, but before BLONDE leaves she shouts LIGHTS OUT which makes the light go out makes BLACK able to attack WHITE but finally, White shoots Black and he's appeared to be dead. Blonde hides in the hallway actually with one foot in the room so she hasn't entirely left the room, with Blonde and White left, When White addresses the Invigilator and proclaims himself the best candidate, he is disqualified since its revealed deaf had earlier set the countdown forward by few minutes. With only Blonde left, she remembers that Deaf had been using his glasses and a piece of broken glass with an exam paper earlier but had been ignored. Taking the abandoned glasses, she finds the phrase "Question 1." on the exam paper in minuscule writing.
Blonde realizes that Question 1 refers to the only question asked of them by the Invigilator: "Any questions?" She answers, "No." The Invigilator and Deaf enter; the Invigilator reveals Deaf is actually the CEO of the company and inventor of the cure for the virus, which can also heal any wound. The bullet that hit Black contained this cure, and he awakens, healed. With the drug about to be released to the public, the company needed to hire someone who was not only able to make tough choices but who is also compassionate, which Blonde had demonstrated throughout the exam. Blonde passes the exam and accepts her new job.


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